Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Christ Has Risen!

Happy Easter everyone! We hope you had a nice weekend celebrating the death and resurrection of our Saviour.

Last Easter James, Karen and Morgan visited us. We had some relaxing dinners and lazy mornings and anticipated Smalls' upcoming debut... Quite different from the 6:30am starts to the day and busy mornings filled with diaper changes (usually 2), pancake making while carrying a refusing-to-be-put-down 10 month old in one arm, baths to make up for the missed ones from the night before, packing enough food and toys and clothes for a morning and afternoon out, dashing off to church, spending half the service in the nursery admist the organized chaos of 15 other playing toddlers and teaching Silas the difference between touching versus eating sand at a picnic lunch that now make up life with Silas.

But as we reflect back on how different the Easter's were, we are reminded about how much more we have learned about God's love over the past 10 months.

Silas has confirmed how intricately and lovingly God created us. I marvel at what Silas can now do and what more he will be able to do (soon we'll see him walk, run, jump and by the time he's 3 or 4 he'll be able to tell us zebras live in Africa!) And God has worked out these achievements in such perfect timing... so both the baby and parents could be ready for it! And it seems so smiles, coos, hugs, kisses and saying "Dad" come at just the times when parents might need the encouragement.

We thank you God for the grace and patience that you, our perfect Father, have with us as parents. We pray that one day Silas and the other young ones in our life, Ella, Malachi, Evan, Lexa, Zoey, Jasper, Naomi and Tessa, will rejoice in the gift of your Son too.

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