Monday, January 7, 2008

He's mobile!

Silas got up onto his feet with his palms on the ground Christmas Eve and looked ready to attack crawling. He didn't quite get the hang of it and had to settle for creeping commando style along the ground (but at least was now going forward instead of pushing backward like before). Since Christmas, he has continued to take stumbling crawls forward- not quite strong enough to support his weight or able to figure out the pattern of alternating hands and feet. But to his credit, he never got frustrated.

Yesterday morning though, Silas started crawling with a purpose! He zeroed in on my peanut butter toast and zoomed right across his playmat to my plate. I beamed and swelled with pride. Josh was so sad he missed it while at work, but thankfully Silas performed for his dad in the evening too. Silas now loves crawling up to the shelves in his room and emptying the toy baskets, as well as crawling into the kitchen after Grandma and Opa and crawling up to the laundry basket to pull up to standing. I am definitely thankful Silas didn't start crawling over Christmas- I know he would have enjoyed pulling at all the ornaments like he loved pulling the DVDs off the shelf today. Josh and I were hoping Silas wouldn't get the hang of crawling until after our long plane ride to Singapore next week, but we're both all smiles watching our little son motor around. It was pretty cute when instead of simply sitting in the living room bored and wanting to go to bed, he crawled around the couch (whining with every step) to tell me in person.

PS- I guess "Christmastime" was the closest right answer on the crawling survey. Maybe the next survey question should be "What's the first non-baby proof thing Silas will get into?"

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