Sunday, February 24, 2008

Breaking Bad Habits

We have been back home in Vernon for two weeks now. Once again Silas travelled extremely well on the long flights home. Unfortunately, the transition back to life here has not been as smooth as adjusting to life in Singapore was. It took about a week for Silas to recover from his jet lag. Now we are finding the bigger issue is teaching our little guy to sleep by himself. The three of us shared a room in Singapore and Silas got very used to us being there every time he stirred or fussed during the night. He sometimes wakes up every hour now looking for us, wanting his soother, needing to be patted back to sleep. Although we understand why it's happening, it's taking its toll. We spent about a month in Singapore, so maybe it will take a month to break the habit?! We welcome any suggestions you may have...

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