Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Day in the Life of the Langner's in Singapore...

Silas' bedtime is a bit later here and so he usually wakes up around 9:00am. He nurses, and then is ecstatic to be out of his "cage" to attack the bedroom- climbing over the mattresses, digging through the suitcases, attempting to scale the bed and, of course, mouthing anything he comes across. He's recently started throwing tantrums if we disagree with and remove something that crosses his lips! He is able to crawl from the bedroom to the kitchen where we prepare his (solid) food breakfast, as he plays with a basket of plastic clothes pins. When he's had enough of the basket, he typically attempts to access the kitchen drawers or the adjacent bathroom.

To work off breakfast, Silas cruises around the living room couches and coffee table, half-heartedly playing with toys while trying to pounce on the real objects of his affection: the wastepaper basket and the DVD player shelf. As Josh watches Silas (becoming ever more familiar with the phrase "No Silas, you can't touch that...") and gets him dressed, I pack up our day's supplies of snacks, meals, water, toys, clothes, diapers, wipes. If we're lucky, we get out the door before Silas needs his morning nap.

And where do we go? Often either to meet up with a relative for lunch or to the local pool for some laps and splashes. Unlike most Singaporeans, we try to walk as much as we can. The heat and humidity and high heeled shoes all the women wear are definitely good excuses not to walk, but we did laugh when we asked for directions to the pool and MRT (subway) station and were told the 10 minute walks were "much too far" and taking a bus was necessary.

Some afternoon stops have included a trip to the skateboard park. Silas LOVES his dad's board and enjoys going for spins on it too.

In the evenings, we usually meet up with family to eat and visit.

So while there definitely hasn't been as many sightseeing stops or little backpacking excursions this trip to Singapore (will we ever remember a baby changes everything?!), we treasure getting to spend everyday hanging out the 3 of us as a family.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Welcome Home!! It looks like you guys had a great time. We are looking forward to catching up!
